Date: 3/25/2019
By LucidPineapple
I was on an island with a few people I know and a few I don’t. I’d walk along the beach and see other creatures washing up and dying. People and creatures started disappearing or dying. I went up to the cave and Ian from iDubbbz was there and he held me while I cried and talking about how when our bodies die, our mind doesn’t want to stay with that body so we find a new one to restart. He was comforting. I walked back down to some fields with now empty buildings in the distance. I’m just so lonely. I see an albatross flying in the sky and it’s partner’s decomposing body on the floor. I try to rub my self with the dead body to smell like its partner and fly with it. For some reason the wind isn’t catching and I can’t fly. My mom shows up and drags a priest over who takes me to another room and I climb into the bed while the priest talks about things. I don’t remember, I just woke up after that.