A party with old high school friends...

Date: 3/1/2017

By emjaynehill

In my dream, I was in the bath and when I got out I decided to go to a party with my childhood best friend, Keegan. But she wasn't the only one there. When we got there, I kissed my boyfriend hello (who for some reason was Mouth McFadden from One Tree Hill), and I got me and him into the party with my acting skills. When we got in, I saw my old friend Jaymie, who tried to talk to me but for some reason I just ignored her. Then I saw Anna and Ellie on FaceTime with each other right next to to each other. When I looked over in a confused way, Anna said "What?" and I said, "Nothing... Uh, I like your hair." They were both goths now, for whatever reason. So I sat down on my own to do a puzzle and another person from high school, Alec, offered me a beer. I said no thank you, but he constantly offered it anyway. But he wasn't being annoying, I was laughing with him - that's something me and Alec never did in real life, apparently we're both friendlier in my dreams. "I'm just not a fan of beer - or alcohol, at all, for that matter," I said. I said goodbye to Mouth (who, by the way, had a very tiny head when I kissed him), and went home. I told my mum I'd been to a party and she asked if I'd been drinking. When I said no, she didn't believe me. I went upstairs for a poo and ended up throwing up, then I found out I had sickness and diarrhoea. Later on, me and Keegan were walking. "Next time, we should get really drunk," she said. I agreed, but only because I knew it'd never happen. She told me she needed a boy to kiss to make her ex-boyfriend jealous at the next party. "Can I borrow Mouth?" she asked, and I straight away said yes. I pretended I didn't mind. So, we ended up at this party where my boyfriend Mouth was standing at the entrance. I told him about the plan and basically gave him a free pass to make out with another girl, so I thought he'd take it. When it came to that, Mouth was about to kiss Keegan when he instead grabbed me and kissed me. "You're the only girl I ever want to kiss, even if you allow it," he said. Then I woke up.