Dream: The Bear That Roams

Date: 11/23/2019

By Ecnelis_Lataf

I had basically a dream within a dream within a dream but they all had one thing in common: the roaming brown bear. The beginning dream sequence was me in a hotel room as I was getting ready to meet with a friend. I was sitting on the bed, tying up my shoes, when I saw it out of the corner of my eye. There was a brown bear walking over towards me on all fours. It wasn't threatening. It wasn't moving fast. It just appeared out of nowhere and started towards me. I closed my eyes from it with my heart racing in my chest. When I opened my eyes I was in a dark room. I heard shuffling as a light came on and my friend Lyr looked me over. "You're pale as a ghost." She told me but smiled wide. She was dressed to go out. We were apparently in her studio apartment. I'd came over the night before in a panicked state. She'd let me crash at her place and then couldn't get me up till just now. I remembered none of that but I just nodded along. "I'm gonna go give a pest of mine a scare. Wanna come with?" She asked as she held up a fist in determination. When she did that, blue tribal marking tattoos appeared across her hands and face. Markings I sadly wouldn't be able to draw if I tried. I shook my hand but held up a picture on my phone, "Try that for a scare." She grinned and the markings faded from her skin. Instead two 1.5 foot long antlers appeared on her head with blue markings that resembled war paint now appearing. "This will be perfect. Try to relax some while I'm gone." I nodded and waved her off. I sat up on the bed and felt the panic rise up in my chest again. Something was in the room. I slowly looked to my left and saw the brown bear again. I swear it made eye contact with me. As it walked over I once again felt my panic rise. It wasn't threatening or charging but something about it was frightful to me. It placed its front two paws on the bed as if to climb up to me. I couldn't move. I watched as it slowly climbed on the bed beside me and made sounds as if trying to speak to me.  I closed my eyes again. The sounds faded away. I opened them to see I was still in Lyr's studio apartment. I threw on my shoes and jacket, grabbed my wallet, and made my way to the nearest bar. I grabbed a seat at the bar counter and took a calming breath. The bartender saw me and grabbed me a bottle of beer. It was nice and chilled. Far more relaxing than everything else had been. "You're still being followed, my friend." He told me and caused me to look behind me.  There it was. Walking inside the goddamn bar. No one seemed to notice it but me and the bartender. "Why am I being followed though?" I asked quietly. The bartender smiled and pat my head. "We both know that only you can answer that. You just need to listen better. She speaks to you." I nodded and buried my head in my arms. My eyes closing tight. When I opened my eyes I was in my bedroom. I'd finally woke up.