wtf even

Date: 3/29/2017

By darlah

i had a Wild dream just now uh lets recall • there was a movie thing and a mom killed herself which was fucked up • i was a guy i think and the matsu brothers wanted to giv me The Succ™ • after them a lot of people did ??? • i threw jyushi and i think choro and todo tf out • there was like this (possibly drag?) lipsyncing thing • keith and lance went in together and i screa med bc Wow • it was also like this convention concert thing • vinny sat next to me. discussed danny devito • i RLY wanted him to preform i also wanted joji to preform • before i woke up the last thing i said was i would kill a man to see joji and pink guy preform • i recalled seeing katy perry in a small auditorium • something w mermaids • the girl who convinced the mom to jump out a window preformed nicki minaj and this shy girl did a really awkward solo • i had huge poof hair and mermaid clips n i was wearing ALL the mermaid things • i was hangin w some sort of furry like thing i remember they were Soft And Worm Like Mash Potatoe • earlier i was in this apartment and couldnt find clothes and then pants • i was really cold i kept complaining about windows being open • i discussed danny devito in a toy story movie with maxmoefoe • there were many klances and i thought about some possibilities 4 that wink