Date: 6/10/2018
By imalittleteacup
I was at work and we had all new people on who didn't know what to do so I had to do everything. So I was running around trying to solve everyone's problems and do my work at the same time(so just an ordinary day) Then there was a massive que so I went to serve but my register was gone. So I asked the girl next to me "where is my register?" "on the floor" "why is my register on the floor?" "I didn't have enough space so I moved it" "And how am I going to serve customers like this!" "Oh yeah" So I put my register back and continue on but the the register won't work. So at this point I crack it and go out the back to cry and my old manager is there and I tell her everything. She tells me to take a break so I do! But then I have to go back to work so I go out to check the stock and it's all gone and replaced with lollies lots of lollies everywhere lollies so many different lollies I feel like Charlie in the chocolate factory. But then I start to panic where am I suppose to put my stock. How am I supposed to do my job. There are no lettuce out no cauli no beans what am I supposed to do? And then I wake up.