Bye bye dead guy

Date: 8/3/2019

By jadenswartz

I had to do some kind of work (I don’t remember what) and if I didn’t keep going I would die. It was like a right of passage, I guess. Everyone in this society had to go through it. The whole time I was starting to go through it I was panicking. I turned to my boyfriend who tried to keep me calm as he was there longer and was less of an outsider among everyone. No one else there really cared much for me. For whatever reason they decided I couldn’t carry on and I would die. Well, me and my boyfriend found one of the other people dead and dressed me up in his clothes and made me look like him. The lady in charge gathered all of us up in one group and asked what happened to me (because she didn’t think I was me). Everyone else immediately became suspicious and guessed me and my boyfriend’s plan and started saying it. Luckily, the lady in charge didn’t believe them and we got away with it.