New Cologne, Earth XY: A DILD

Date: 7/23/2018

By savamey

I go to school for the first day...again. As I’m sitting in a class, I realize that school hasn’t started yet, and that I’m dreaming. I do a reality check by looking at my hands. Some of my fingers are huge and fused together. I leave class. I then choose to go seek someone I like, whose initials are, unfortunately, B.O. We’ll call him Bo for short. I wander the halls, yelling his name and hoping he appears. He doesn’t. I go into a door, which leads to my garage. I am frustrated because Bo is not showing up. I ask the dream how to find him, and it replies with some nonsense. It also calls me a “lonely girl”. Dream characters then appear, one being my friend Abby. We play semi-lucid chess in some community center at some party. Then, we make a deal that if I help the dream characters with some quest, I will be able to find Bo. We venture out of the center and into a road, somehow heading towards the city center like we’re in a car despite standing on the road. The road is on a bridge. I look out onto the place we came from. It has a lot of colorful buildings, a cool sky, and in the water, giant lily pads float. It’s so ordinary yet so surreal and beautiful. I take a lucid moment to appreciate the lands of my mind. I learn that the city is called New Cologne, and that we’re on a planet called Earth XY. Paradise by Coldplay plays as we go into the city, and when it goes “Still lying underneath the stormy skies”, my dream character companions are ensnared in a weird hanging cage by a super villain. My semi-lucidity fades after this, and then the rest of the dream is me back at school, trying to find my lunch and eat it in time for my next class, as well as trying to find companions to eat with. Olivia and Rice are there. Moral of the story: make a solid dream intention in the case you lucid dream, folks. And also maybe learn to summon dream characters without doing other characters favors