Found Tom Holland and Shawn Mendes in the woods

Date: 7/20/2019

By lucyv17

So I was wandering around the woods, you know, like ya do, when I head some noise up to the left. At first I thought it might be an animal or something, but as I got closer, I found Tom Holland and Shawn Mendes talking. I was really confused at first, and had a lot of questions. For instance, why were Tom Holland and Shawn Mendes even in the woods by my house in Oregon. That was kinda weird and crazy. But I guess I got over it quickly, and instead just said hi. They were like hey, what’s up. I for some reason didn’t freak out or introduce myself or anything. I just started talking with them. Shortly after, I noticed there was something moving in the bushes up ahead. Was someone else here? I mean, pretty much anything was possible at that point. But no, it wasn’t a person. It was none other than a raccoon. Tom was like “LiT. It’s a wolf”. I guess Shawn and I didn’t correct him, and Tom grabbed out his phone and started videoing it. I was kinda just there, acting as one of those YouTube friends that gets put in a vlog. Anyway, so then a bunch more animals came out, and we kinda just started partying with them. It was pretty great. I’m not even sure what was going on, but all I remember is that later in the day, my ig was blowing up. I went to my dm and saw a bunch of texts along the lines of “what the heck! You were in a vid with Tom Holland and Shawn Mendes!!??”. So apparently, Tom posted the video on YouTube, tagging me on ig (somehow). So ya, everybody was freaking out about this. I felt pretty cool, and was like “cool I guess I’m kinda famous now”. Tom has also apparently stalked my ig and commented on all my photos. His comments were actually pretty funny, and, honestly, I felt like we were becoming friends. Shawn has also left a comment on my latest photo, which was from Seattle. It was really stupid, though, like “Dang. I was on tour there that weekend. I should have said hi”. This didn’t really make sense though, bc we hadn’t even met then. Basically, though, we all became friends and started hanging out for some reason, and I kinda became a little famous. Ya.