Twenty One Pilots Concert

Date: 8/19/2017

By anondreamer125

The dream started off with me in my room, and my mom came in and she told me we were going to a Twenty One Pilots concert. Note, in real life I haven't independently listened to Twenty One Pilots in months. So I threw on a Twenty One Pilots hoodie that was customized and had my full (real) name on it. It was a Regional at Best hoodie which I do not have in real life. I remember I was freaking out about the time, and that we left by 2 and I do not remember where the concert took place or how long it took to get there. We got in to the concert hall (horseshoe shaped light wooden stage with a red carpet across the middle). We were the first people in there. I kept changing spots, I did not know where to sit. Eventually we settled on the side edge of the wall that was like a ledge we could sit on. I pointed out that we would have a really good view of the drummer, Josh Dun, because we were on the left side (facing the stage) suddenly this boy, 16, black longish hair and pale skin sat next to me. Now we were early for the show, so we kinda just sat there. He was flirting with me when my dad pointed out (which was weird because my parents are divorced in real life why were they together??) That I liked him. I said no, he liked me because I KNEW that I had a boyfriend in my dream, (which I do in real life). So then in the dream for some reason it flashed forward to when the concert ended (I didn't get to experience it 🙁) And me, my best friend, and my brother were walking in someplace that looked like it was in a city I knew. Then my brother said "How about you guys kiss!" Out of nowhere. My best friend went "ooooohhhh" like how they did in elementary school when you got called to the office. Then I said "Yeah and thats why I have a boyfriend!!" And then the guy said "Well, I'd love to kiss you. I like you and I'd love to kiss and make out with you." I said okay, and we exchanged numbers. The next day I was back in my house and I shot him a text. Next thing I knew we were kissing back where we were walking back from the concert. I've never kissed anyone before in real life. The kiss was really bad but I think I fell in love with him. I woke up disappointed for two reasons- I never got to experience the concert and me kissing that boy wasn't real.