Digital art, In a dark field surrounded by a locked gate, a person watches as Black Philip, a representation of the devil, moves through the crowd, while evil spirits in the form of flying skulls torment people until they discover that averting their gaze from evil offers protection; the dream shifts to a house where a family emerges, with the parents wearing red shirts symbolizing evil and their young children appearing pure and innocent.

I heard the devil's voice and realized what I must do.

Date: 10/14/2021

By momoney6628

In this dream (or nightmare) I'm sitting in a dark room with my friend Justin and we are watching the movie "The Witch". A scene happens (that's doesn't happen in the real movie) that shows a babies head on a spike. I immediately point it out to Justin, exclaiming, "you see that dude? Child sacrifices. That's a sign of satanism right there." Next thing I know I am in a giant field with a locked gate around it. In this field I see black Philip from the movie the Witch. A black goat that represents the devil himself. I don't go up to Black Philip, but instead I watch him to see where he goes what people he interacts with. Next I see three girls standing together. A crowd has formed around these three girls and then out of nowhere the three girls turn into 300 flying skulls with wings on them. In my mind they were evil spirits and they started tormenting people. I go up to the gate and try to unlock it but I'm unable to do so. The evil spirits then began flying towards me and I get scared so I started praying. I ask Jesus to put a hedge of protection around me. But while I am praying everything becomes black and I hear the devil's voice. He tells me that I am a Master of sin. This was terrifying to hear. I opened my eyes after that and see the skulls still flying towards me. But all of a sudden I realized something. As long as I "Avert my eyes from evil, it cannot hurt me." So I do this. I look away from the skulls and they stop tormenting me. Next thing I know the locked gates open and I am now standing in front of a house. I realize now that I am now able to see evil and it is represented as the color red. The front door opens and a family with two kids walk out. Both of the parents were wearing red shirts but the children who were no more than 5 or 6 years old were both wearing normal clothes. I could tell the parents had evil in them but the children were of a more pure and innocent nature. That is all I can remember of this dream.

AI generated interpretation In your dream, there are several elements that suggest a struggle between good and evil. The presence of the movie "The Witch" sets the stage for a narrative centered around satanism and dark forces. The babies head on a spike symbolizes the gruesome and sacrificial nature often associated with satanic rituals. This scene grabs your attention and highlights your awareness of the potential dangers associated with satanism. The giant field with a locked gate represents a sense of confinement and restriction. The presence of Black Philip, a goat associated with the devil, suggests the supernatural and dark forces that are at play. Your decision to observe Black Philip's interactions reflects a curiosity to understand the manifestations of evil. The three girls turning into flying skulls with wings represents a sudden transformation and the unleashing of evil spirits. The crowd's presence suggests a collective vulnerability to these forces. Your attempts to unlock the gate demonstrate a desire to confront and overcome the threats posed by these evil spirits. However, your inability to do so may signify a feeling of powerlessness or fear in the face of these perceived threats. When confronted with the flying skulls, you resort to prayer as a defense mechanism. This implies that you rely on spirituality and a higher power to protect and guide you. The devil's voice proclaiming you as a "Master of sin" represents a psychological projection of guilt or self-judgment. It may reflect an inner struggle with your own sense of morality and the fear of being corrupted by evil influences. The revelation that averting your gaze from evil prevents it from harming you suggests the power of avoidance and focusing on purity or goodness. This realization highlights your inner strength and ability to navigate challenging situations. The unlocked gates and the subsequent encounter with the family wearing red shirts further symbolize the presence of evil. The parents' red shirts suggest their affiliation with dark forces, whereas the innocence of the children reflects the possibility of purity and goodness amidst the darkness. Overall, this dream portrays a struggle between good and evil, your sense of morality, and your ability to confront and overcome these dark forces. It reveals an underlying fear of being influenced by the negative aspects of the world but also emphasizes your resilience and ability to find strength through spirituality and avoiding temptation.