
Date: 10/14/2018

By WhiteMist17

I had a dream about Melania Trump. I’m not sure that Trump was in office yet. Although they were at the White House. So this dream on longer but I only remember it starting here, though it had already started before. This is far as I remember it in the beginning. Melania Trump and several other women were walking around the White House As a test. Under several different conditions, they had to keep their cool. One black lady had lost her head, but I think she was a robot. When it came to one point, a eunuch that was guarding Melania picked up the black lady and help Melania down over this water structure. Melania had been on the phone talking to a guy about a weapon. Melania started calling him Uncle Cam because it was important that no one knows who she’s talking to. She has to stay under cover. Finally she is going to pick up the weapon. She is at the front door. The whole place seems to have a blanket of death over it. She fears that she will find him dead. Instead of knocking, she pushes the door open. The place is a disaster area and she can’t imagine anyone would live like that therefore her mind equates him as he must be dead in the place ransacked. As she enters she sees a Little dog, perhaps a chihuahua and wienie dog mix. She instantly fears he is dead. But he is not, he is alive. She whispers, I will rescue you from here, I promise. She looks at the kitchen, it looks torn up. She turns and walks into the living room slowly, fearing to find him an emaciated corpse. She looks and sees him in a recliner, snoring. She sighs in relief. He has a couch cushion laying on his lap. She knows that he was expecting her. She pulls the couch cushion off of his lap and unzips it. Inside it is the weapon. He wakes up and says, Is that you Riley? She notices his overalls are stained with urine and are currently wet with urine as well. She says nothing about that but says Uncle Cam it’s me. He says I recognized your voice from the phone. She is feeling eminent danger. She know she has to leave very very soon. She says I have it now, I have to go. He says, you can’t leave yet we haven’t done our song and dance! She says I only have a minute, I’m in great danger. She trusts him though. They dance. I wake up. Eodair