I’m a deacon, Visit from the prelate, Phone call

Date: 12/31/2019

By Yeraz

I dreamt I became a deacon in my church, which is interesting because I’ve never seen a female deacon in my religion. I was preaching when the priest wasn’t there. Then I dreamt I was exhausted and depressed, lying on my back on some kind of bed or almost like a narrow bed similar to a hospital bed. The archbishop or bishop in my religion came to visit me. He had a look of concern or worry for me because of the exhausted/depressed condition I was in. I reached my hand out twice to give him the proper greeting. I wasn’t able to stand up because of my seeming despair but I sat up and he wasn’t worried about it that I couldn’t sit up anymore than I could or stand up. In real life, I’m despairing over what seems like a bleak future with my bf when I had such hopes for us before. I dreamt me bf called me and he was a little drunk. I don’t remember what we talked about.