Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Taking a field trip to a grand, modern technology museum with coworkers, she discovers an unexpected sight in the restroom mirror before locating her small car and encountering familiar faces along the way.

Technology Field Trip

Date: 3/18/2024

By Swords

Greg S is getting a job here as a caretaker. So happy I will see him again after so many years. It's morning and I awake from a dream about it. G and J want me to make a salad for lunch. I am breaking up socks into little pieces, but not the worn ones - don't want hair in the salad. G tells me they are getting a new manager at the City and he's the worst. They looked him up on the computer and he's been totally abusive to a worker named Mustafa. MH? I know him. My coworkers, Derek, Susan and I, are going on a field trip to check on MH and his workplace. There is a fancy golden gate where we park and a big green field with a grand, modern technology museum on a hill like a castle. We must walk. I see MH on the shipping dock by the rear and he sneaks us in. He gives me a big hug and I quietly ask him if he has the worst boss in the world. We are walking through narrow halls into the museum. He is afraid to talk about his boss. "Don't worry," I whisper. "He's moving to the City!" He looks me in the face to see if I'm joking. Satisfied, he scurries off through the tunnels to tell others. I want to hug him again but I must let him go. I follow Derek and Sue who are well ahead of me now, in the main computer station room. We must get out of here before we are seen. I see they have left by a glass sliding door tucked behind a cafe table. I squeeze behind and see it is still unlocked. I follow Sue and Derek outside but they are far ahead. I'm hoping I'm going the right way, happy they will know they can go without me. I borrowed D's small car and it's parked indoors, in a hangar by the gift shop and restaurant. First, I step into a restroom to refresh for the trip. I press the light switch in the anteroom and go through another door, turning on another light. There is a big full-length mirror. I adjust my long, wrap around, light blue skirt, revealing black army boots and longer black socks beneath. I am wearing a light cropped blouse that hangs just below the skirts waste. I am surprised and pleased with the look. Back in the anteroom, I suddenly notice Greg S lying in disturbed sleep on a gurney. I quickly turn off the lights and leave. Don't want to wake him. He looks like he needs sleep. I go to find the car. Did I park this close? The keys don't work so I look around for the right one, further away. There is a young girl watching. Probably thinks I'm a thief. My car is near an overhang from the restaurant.where businessmen sip their coffees. I need to move a long box of planted flowers from the roof and place it on a nearby table. Guess my car has been here long. The businessmen watch me curiously and I realize I am pretty in the dress. I walk through the hangar and restaurant, pushing my car like a wheelbarrow. It is a light, stand up model like a scooter with sides. It gets fairly good speed on the highway. I notice men looking at me as I pass, sort of unusual but pleasing. I remember when it was not the case, when I was invisible except that Greg S let me laugh at his constant jokes. He was sweet, a real class act, wise for a young teen. I see Anna and JP at a table. "How do you like my car?" I ask as I wheel it down the ramp beside them Anna says, "I don't like anything made of wood!" I come closer to show her. "It's metal." All coloured pipes like a bicycle. Anna isn't feeling well and pushes her fries aside. I step closer to try some, a little fuel for the ride home. I shouldn't eat fries but they're free. JP also looks strangely corporate and glamorous. I didn't expect that.. Anna and I had a meeting with management today but it was cancelled, so I didn't expect to see her at all. "I dreamed I saw you in a restaurant today and here you are!" I said. It was true.

AI generated interpretation Based on your dream, it seems to revolve around themes of connections with people from the past, feelings of responsibility and care, navigating through complex situations, and self-image. The presence of Greg S, a person from your past who you are happy to see again, may symbolize a desire for connection and nostalgia for simpler times. The act of making a salad for lunch and the attention to detail in not wanting hair in it suggests a sense of care and responsibility towards others. This may reflect your innate desire to nurture and support those around you. The dream takes you on a field trip with coworkers, possibly representing a journey of exploration and discovery in your waking life. The technology museum could symbolize the advancement and evolution of your professional field. Your encounter with Mustafa and his difficult situation with a boss may reflect concerns about workplace dynamics and power struggles. The moment where you adjust your attire in front of a mirror and feel surprised and pleased with your appearance suggests a sense of self-reflection and perhaps a newfound confidence in how you present yourself to others. The encounter with Greg S sleeping on a gurney could symbolize a need to care for and protect your own well-being and that of others, even in vulnerable moments. The interaction with Anna and JP at the end of the dream may represent social interactions and dynamics within your waking life. Anna's comment about not liking anything made of wood could symbolize differences in preferences and perspectives with others. JP's corporate and glamorous appearance may indicate a sense of admiration or competition in your social circle. Overall, your dream seems to touch on themes of connection, care, self-image, workplace dynamics, and social interactions. It may reflect your subconscious thoughts and feelings about relationships, responsibilities, and personal growth in your waking life.