Snippets leading to lucidity

Date: 1/25/2021

By DevaJu5395

Visiting Brea and Rilea Ashlyn is there and wants me to brush her hair They seem surprised that I can see her Let alone can feel her hair I'm combing it out See Ash on the cover of a parenting mag As a child though She has pigtails and fake tattoos Babysitting a little black boy A neighbor of Tina's We ask to see her garden She said it's frozen and all they have are chickens See my sister at church The passage read in the Bible Makes her freak out Like she's possessed People flock to her and pray I feel sorry for her Some carnival in the 40s Someone wins a guitar From a game that cost a quarter I'm with this group With a ring leader type He says he trusts me to go alone And gives me a bunch of quarters I go to the nearest ride It's on a platform and there's a curtain covering it The engineer says it'll be $1.25 And I'm surprised it's so steep I go through the curtains And see a single row of swings There's one empty right in front of me Guys on either side of the empty one Are looking at me and chuckling I say what's so funny as I step closer And notice they've poured water in the seat I scowl at them and grab a rag Wiping it down and taking a seat I wonder aloud that this better be good Because it was so expensive The engineer asks if we're ready Everyone yells in affirmative The swings lunge forward I'm worried they're going to swing back And run into the wall But the swings seem to be On an invisible track That's when I realize I'm dreaming I lurch forward on the swing And land on the ground I feel like Peter pan when he forgets How to fly I close my eyes and think happy thoughts Before I know it I'm gliding around Unlike any other way I've flown before It's slow and controlled I glide around a huge dead tree And then land in the crook of it I look down and the ring leader type That was with our group is watching me Smiling, with this knowing look The swing is gone now and I'm crawling around the dead tree There is a variety of random objects In the tree, as if others had made it up there Before me and left trinkets for the next ones Right at the top is a blue dream catcher And I laugh at the symbolism I consider taking it and then I realize My friend's brother is climbing up the tree I'm not sure why but I'm worried about him I grab a little pouch among the trinkets Inside are little beaded rings on elastic bands As he reaches me, I give him the rings Saying that he'll need them to get down And then my alarm went off