
Date: 6/23/2017

By SarahsDreamy

In my dream I was with Monse. Her parents were bringing her to a sort of motel/drug store for a punishment. she was being punished for being given a man but she couldn't support him so she dropped him. On the way there a teenager in the car with us opened the car door while we were on the freeway. out the door I saw many colorful horses. everybody was calm but me I grabbed a black rope from the back back seat and held tight. once we were there we walked in and there was an unattractive man standing close to the wall leaning on a counter he was holding a large shotgun. Monses dad walked up to the man and did some handshake then called Monse to come. Monse stood against the wall closing her eyes as tight as she could. the man hooked up his gun to a machine. where the bullet would come out on the opposite side of Monse. then I switched bodies with her accidentally and I stood there accepting my fate calmly waiting to be shot but it didn't work so we went home so that we could go the next day at home I put on armor on my torso I cut out a small hole in the chest of the armor and put an oatmeal raisin cookies in the hole so when the gun hit it would sound like skin. the next day we went and Monse had no memory of us switching bodies so her father yet again explained to her what was happening at the sight of the gun she burst to tears apologizing to everyone but they showed no mercy. we switched bodies again and I realized I put the armor on my body not Monses. so I had no protection in Monses body. I held her moms hand and talked to myself even how weird that sounds I felt nice at the time. we no one was paying attention a loud bang filled the room with silence I was me again and laying on the floor bleeding out was Monse her soul flew out of her and whispered in my ear saying be her she is your second life like I was some sort of chosen one but years past and I was Monse I walked around school in her body and she lived in my everything was great until the bully's came. they made fun of the blue scar on my neck and made me feel like nothing mattered so I went home and killed myself my ghost finally free from the horrors of life smiled only to be greeted in hell by dead Monse with you did this written on the wall behind the dead body in blood.