A Dangerous Virus Storm

Date: 7/27/2017

By VividDreamer0404

I had a vivid dream. It was scary and dangerous dream. (Those who like Sci-fi or Disaster movies... Could like this idea!) I was at my school, going out to buy some snacks at school market (it's outside). Then I heard a siren wail so I got back into the school immediately. This siren was the "Virus Storm Warning Siren". This virus storm is really really strong and dangerous. It comes in midair and if you breath in this virus-infected air, you will have a heart attack after few minutes. I got back to school, running like mad and went back to my classroom. Everyone started to shut down the windows and every doors. We just sat there, waiting for the storm to die down and be purified. The news told me the every information about this storm, since it was the first one. Just then I saw some people, not knowing the storm had arrived. They were riding a bicycle. But someone fainted away, with a bicycle falling down on him. Everyone else was shocked and tried to wake up him.