4 white horses murdered

Date: 7/13/2020

By aflamia

I dreamed that two families were fighting. My family with captain sparrow was being chased by a red haired family who had sent out their horse battalions after captain jack sparrow in the sea. Captain jack then lifted 4 white horses out of the waters into a tree and made sure the red hair family could see him, he slit each horses throat. Then I glimpsed him sitting in a giant playground on an open field of snow waiting for me so I started walking but it got so dark that once I got close to him I was calling out and reaching out to him but I couldn’t even see my hand but I knew he was right there and then he grabbed me and we fell on the ground hugging. Weird it was, I know white horses should be significant in this dream, but I can’t imagine what it means? Can anyone help?