Was part of a sick cult and murdered when I tried to escape

Date: 8/3/2022

By HaysPotato

I was with this group of people who were under control of this very powerful, very sick, twisted guy, that would kill us off, hurt, cut, dismember, rape us, etc if he ever found out we were going against what he wanted, which included talking bad about him, trying to run, or having any sort of reaction to watching these people that I know, some of which I love (my boyfriend was there, and so was my family, we were part of a group that was secretly trying to escape) suffer these vivid, absolutely brutal fates, which I had to watch. I watched a lady get her face cut off, a lady get shots from him to knock her out, then watched him drag her off to be assaulted, many people lost limbs in front of me, many people had to cut off their own limbs in front of me, and there were hundreds of us, and everywhere you looked something terrible was happening. The woman who got the shots, right as he was going to attack her we got caught in the doorframe together and the needle hit my chin, and I almost instantly felt the sedative make me dizzy, the dude yelled when I bolted, looking for literally any way out because I don't want to fucking get tortured. After I ran for a while I found my boyfriend, chilling in some sort of bed room, I told him what happened, and he immediately tried to help hide me underneath covers, then ran to get my family to help me, with a promise of returning asap. It didn't matter, though, he found me almost as soon as he left, broke into the room with a fucking giant stake in his hand and proceeded to make some nasty jokes and comments before he stabbed me with this giant smile on his face. What the fuck does this mean? I have never woken up experiencing so much pure terror since the first time I got sleep paralysis