Date: 9/25/2017
By Abidoue
A classic: a zombie apocalypse. Only, the said zombies were after our blood. And our fortifications didn't change anything. And each time I died, the day started over. Sometimes, I could go a few days, weeks, months even without dying. Other times, things were going so badly I had to start over. One day, I had a vision about a certain man -- Aubrey was his family name -- that was by then in our team but not yet. Later that day, he had lead the monsters in our safe (where we humans survived as good as we could) all the way up to me. While everyone and everything around us was getting destroyed, he was troubled by my calm. He attacked me at once both verbally and physically, to which I simply avoided his hits while answering with only the truth that when I would die, the day would start over. After basically spilling out all my secrets to him, nervosity had him kill me before I could do it myself, which brought him once in the loop with me, meaning he would remember going through the day already. The next day, I made as such inside the safe it would be as similar as it could to the day before, trying to have the same attitude, etc. This time, I killed him with my blood, binding us until he received blood from someone else. I had made the rules simple the first time: neither one of us would live to see another day than this one unless we were fighting side by side.