Date: 6/9/2024
By wahblamy
Dreams after my second day of dance. This one felt themed around men and their lack of generosity towards me. I felt very sneaky and ashamed in borrowing from men. The first part I remember I am with Bran, we are playing with figurines living in barns and warehouses, like miniatures. It's interesting because we are kind of in the scene and then playing with the scene like they are toys. The overall gist of the scene was survival. We had to have a fire going, food and supplies. The scene was probably based in the early 1900's but it was Winter and we had to strategize. There could have been a military element here as well. Next scene, I am driving down a highway and I turn sharply into the driveway of a house I do not recognize. The home seems to be in the middle of nowhere, fairly close to the small main road and there are plains all around. I borrow the car that's in the driveway, I feel guilty about it but I feel like I have no choice. There is a feeling of a backstory of losing my car and getting into major debt around it. $25,000 but also perhaps another 5-10 grand in other places too, I felt desperate. I think I used this car for something but I can't remember. The next scene I'm actually going into the house, there is a really lovely dog at the door who is kind and gentle and I go inside. The door is unlocked which I feel is lucky. At first it is an unknown males home but then it is Colin's home. I exist in this space with love and good energy but I am 100% there by trespassing, so there is a massive element of me feeling like a burden and like I'm doing something wrong. There is a scene where I show Rylan a phone of us at a wrestling ring and we look so cute so when his girlfriend asks to see it I pretend I didn't hear her. Another scene, I am behind the car in Colin's driveway and a police car drives by and a man tucks and rolls out of it and lands with us. He seems industrious and ready to roll into the next scheme. Colin gets home from where he was and I was in his house. He wasn't upset but he was deeply perturbed. I explained to him my situation and grovelled about the great things I had done for his space. I didn't fully rearrange everything but definitely made things look much nicer inside. As time was going on Colin got more and more excited about the way I was decorating that he got into it himself and it made me happy but I was still weary...He said it great when he starts to sell it as an AirBnb... I was like yes of course. But now that I am awake, he could have offered it to me... This is a very clear explanation for many of my waking life feelings. That I have to take to receive, that there is no generosity among the men in my life and that I have underlying energy of a criminal. This definitely wasn't a nightmare, but very illuminating. The end.