
Date: 7/17/2020

By atharva117

There were zombies. There were naked men. There was deception. I remember cycling back to home. I was anxious, I wanted to get back quickly. It takes 20 minutes, and I wanted to let those 20 minutes go. However, the road was blocked. I had to take a detour. Apparently the detour was to go all the way over India, into the himalayas and enter from Manali to reach home. I cycled all the way. I saw two kids sitting on a boulder, there was snow there. I climbed that boulder, and I could see the father. He asked his kids to get down, and they did. I was afraid that I might fall into the valley on the left. I sat on the snow and it was cold. I had a super heavy bag and I thought if the kids could do it, I would too. I slide down, and go off towards the valley, lose control and .... I wake up. Later, I was at Foxie's place. I was on his terrace, and he came up. I could see his wavy hair, and a white shirt. Apparently, he was naked from bottom. It was an eww moment, but I got used to it. Foxie gave some information on fighting zombies and some Linuxy stuff. Somehow, Foxie turned into VT404 (removing name for anonymity), and I was shown a religious place. My mother came, and VT404 had to hide. I was with my brother. There was a zombie outbreak. I was running away from them. It was scary. There are people who weren't zombies. A night passed, and we survived somehow. I was planning a strategy to keep fake zombies, so that we can fool zombies. Other day, my parents and relatives came in. I had to throw them away because I didn't know who is infected and who isn't. So, I turned them all out. One of my aunt was infected, and as sun was setting she was transforming. I kept everyone and her out of our house, and my brother was tightening the ropes we had tied to the gates. Someone knocked on the door, it was one of my uncles, he had brought two kids and we let them in. I asked how he got in, and he said the gate is all open. We checked the gate, and it was all broken, someone had broken the ropes. We went to the terrace and checked for it, and we found zombie-aunt unconscious. All I could think is, I don't want to deal with everyone's burden. I wanted to play my bets alone, because I can't take responsibility of other people's foolhardy.