Dream: Strange Adventure

Date: 1/21/2020

By Ecnelis_Lataf

I was a traveler named Lysle. More like adventurer. I had a hooded cloak to help hide some of my irregularities (like the tiny horns atop my head and pointed "elf" ears. I had no elven DNA the pointed ears were from my demonic lineage. I also had silver eyes and ashen white hair. Things from the side of my lineage I knew little on. The vampiric side. My skin was olive toned but otherwise normal and I had a long tail that I wrapped around my waist as a belt. It was the same color as my skin. Outside my physicality I had my standard clothes, some leather armor, a sword at my hip, a dagger at the opposite hip, and some throwing knives near my ankles.  I had come to a town (in the modern day world I might add) that was plagued by a mad-man who wanted to turn the town into his own adventure game. I unfortunately just walked right into it. I walked into town and ran smack into a guy who had eyes as brilliantly silver as my own (he stated it was part of his demonic lineage) and his companion. My eyes were not of my demonic lineage so it had me even more curious. He fought against me for a short bit, his companion watching from the sidelines, but I had the upper hand. Felt like he'd not been using a sword for very long at all. He eventually conceded and I was marked the victor. I wiped my sword down and sheathed it. I then pulled him to his feet and tried to get a few answers from him and his companion. His companion looked pretty young. Mid-teens at the most. He looked to be closer to early thirties. "What is your name? Either of you?" I questioned. "Rafe." The man stated before pointing to his companion, "Lark." I nodded, "I'm Lysle." I noticed the knick I had left on his neck and felt myself tense up. "I won't have to worry about you two coming after me again, will I?" "I can't make any promises. This town is currently being manipulated by dark forces." Lark stated as he shifted uncomfortably. "Very well. Do you follow this man's command pretty well though?" I asked him while keeping Rafe monitored well. "He's my boss. I must follow him." Lark stated and I smirked. "Good." I stated before turning to Rafe.  Rafe raised a brow at me as I got a better look at him. He had long black hair that was tied in a loose ponytail. He had an athletic build but wasn't bulky. Taller than me by a few inches so I assumed about six foot. His attire was very much typical Victorian engineer. Which was interesting to see as he was wielding a sword. "I'm going to help free you." I told him and pulled him in close. I reopened the small wound on his neck and drank some of it in before licking over the wound. My saliva helping close it for him. As I pulled back his eyes glazed over for a moment before clarity kicked in. He blinked, looked between me and Lark, and actually gave a small smile. "How did you do that?" Rafe asked as he and Lark followed me into more of their town. "I made it to where the only voice, outside your own, that could be heard in your head was mine. This mad man is using some kind of voice powered mind control. The kid follows your command so he didn't need to control him." I explained and walked ahead.  Rafe, now that he wasn't being controlled, seemed fairly weak. Maybe he'd been at that post too long. Or fought too many people. I turned just as he began to collapse. I caught him as Lark tried to help. The man seemed tired. Worn down. Lark helped me get him onto my back and I carried him into town. Lark staying close beside me. "Wouldn't the man know if Rafe weren't controlled anymore?" Lark asked me, "Shouldn't we make sure I can't be used?" I grinned weakly at him, "Do you really want to have my voice in your head? That man can't control you because of your loyalty. You're completely devoted to your comrade. It's far stronger than any magic that man holds." Lark's cheeks tinted as he looked away. "Of course I'm devoted. He's my brother." I chuckled, having already come to that conclusion. We walked through quiet streets as darkness fell. Creatures slithered and skittered in the shadows, following our every move. We headed onward towards a hotel in town. There were others there. People who had clearly come from outside the town. Some locals who I assumed ran the hotel. All staring at my little group. They whispered about how Rafe and Lark were now away from their post. How something in the game must have changed. I battled against my more demonic self and fought against using my abilities. "This young man freed us." Rafe stated, having barely managed to stay awake. More whispers as the tv in the lobby flickered on. In the screen stood a man who looked ready to join a 1920s swing dance. He smiled wide and began to speak in that old radio announcer voice. "Now that our gatekeepers have been taken from us, we have two others at the gate. Now we can go on to our next encounter."  The screen changed and showed the hotel lobby with everyone in it. It also showed some creatures lurking in the shadows. Lark snapped his fingers as a keyboard (for a computer) appeared and some glasses appeared over his eyes with digital coding running across them. He nodded to me as I set Rafe down by him. The others in the lobby all seemed ready to pounce on the creatures in the shadows. Each of them were armed and ready. "How is he?" Lark asked as I put a hand to Rafe's forehead. "Feverish. I'll bet he's battling whatever that madman put in him to control him." I stated before biting into my hand a bit. "This will hurt you at first, but if you drink it in it will also help free you." "You're at least an honest vampire." Rafe stated with a smirk. "I'm only a half-blood. I don't have the god complex that comes from purebloods." I told him and he drank in some of my blood. Those around us had begun their assault while Lark continued to type away. He grinned wide and his keyboard vanished. He nodded to me. "Keep an eye on him. Call me when the change starts." I told Lark as Rafe leaned back against his younger brother. "I will." Lark told me as I began taking down some of the shadow lurking creatures, my eyes gaining a glow as I sliced through some of them.  I pushed my demonic power through me and forced some of the shadow lurkers back. The others in the lobby managed to deal with the rest. I returned to Rafe and Lark. Rafe looked up at me through feverish eyes. The change was beginning. I bit down into my wrist and then pressed the bloodied wrist to his lips. Rafe hesitated, pulling back a bit, but Lark nudged him back in place. Rafe battled inwardly before biting in and drinking some of my blood. Lark looked up at me and nodded. "I have it." I grinned, "We'll go when he's stable." Lark had gotten the location of the madman behind this chaos. We would end this. Rafe let go of my wrist and I helped him wipe the blood from his face. I wrapped my wrist so we could head out. Some of those in the lobby following us. That's when I woke up.