
Date: 9/16/2017

By risei

Jeeze, I almost forgot to write the creepiest dream i ever had. creepiest AND scariest dream to date. holy creeping cheese stick. so i fell asleep reclining on the headboard, beside me on my left is my little sister, and beside her is the wall with a window, curtain rolled down. a few feet away from me to my right is the closet and the doors to the toilet and outside to the living area. on our feet is another window but i leave the curtain rolled up because it gives us enough light for the room and i close the light when we sleep. across our window is another building window that looks in the fire escape exit. its very bright. and further is a multicolor changing building so yeah plenty of light outside but it doesn't really illuminate the inside of the room. so yeah i fell asleep, i dreamed i was chatting with someone on my phone and i was on my side facing my sister, i got anoyed because i felt wisps of hair tickling my back so i turned and laid down on myback and holy fucking cheese stick, beside me was a girl, skin white, hair dark, eyes shining darkly and she was breathing heavily and her hair flutters and tickle my skin. i should have screamed then right? even in my sleep? but no i was frozen and shocked and terribly cold. it was like i was doused in cold water, that initial shock where your body can't move and then it was soon followed by my limbs shaking like really piss inducing shaking. i was gearing up for a healthy scream when her hand rose slowly, and i really thought she was gonna touch me but her fingers went over my prone body, and it was that 'eh?' moment. then it clicked that she was gonna touch my sister and. NO. NO ONE IS GONNA TOUCH MY LITTLE SISTER. NO YOU BITCH. it was like the reverse of cliche scary movies someone grabbing them in the dream. i was gonna grab the bitchs arm and then. i woke up grasping air. like my hand is outstreched and fingers curled like i was really gonna grab someone. ehehe waking dream right? pheww