Forced Prostitution

Date: 10/15/2018

By icarus

I was trying to get away from this woman who had a snake like tongue and long sharp teeth. she eventually caught up to me and put me under a spell so I could relax and she pulled my pants down and started to lick at my clit and tease my pussy. being the monsterfucker I am, I enjoyed it and let her continue, but eventually I passed out from the spell. when I woke up, I was in a bus coming up to this big,fancy hotel. I had a headache and my mind was muddled, there were other girls in the bus too who seemed to be really excited. when the bus stopped we all got off and waited in a line. I was starting to feel nauseated and stumbled to the bushes and threw up in them, I could hardly move and was struggling to stand back up. a few security guards helped my help and took me to a small room where I was given some pills and was told to shower. when I finished showering, there was a woman who was blonde and bright eyed asking me what happened. I told her it was nothing I was comfortable talking with her about. I was directed over to rack of clothes and I was told to pick something nice so I grabbed a pair of jeans and a jacket and was taken to rejoin the rest. the rest of the girls were talking amongst themselves, already divided into groups. we stood outside, one meter apart, waiting for someone. a relatively tall woman came out with a little boy by her side. the woman introduced herself as the person who ruins the company and she was introducing her son to all the staff. she said that we were more maids but something in the back of my mind told me that wasn't true and some other the girls giggled. with that we were dismissed and as I was following the group, the boss pulled me to the side and said that she will have a chat with me in the garden at some point today and to be ready for it. I nodded and she dismissed me. following the rest of the girls, I was shown my own private room. I was horribly confused because the others all had roommates and I was alone in a one bedroom apartment. I looked around some and found some odd paddles, one with a slight brush and the other without. I didn't know what they were for and didn't want to find out. over on a dresser in the living room, there was a display of condoms. I immediately felt sick. I panicked when someone knocked on my door. I grabbed a candlestick in case I needed to defend myself. cautiously approaching the door, I opened it and peeked out to find a relatively handsome man wearing a pilots suit. I glared at him and asked what he wanted. he seemed taken back and just pushed inside, the door knocking me to the ground and the candlestick rolled away. he stood in the doorway for a minute examining the room before making eye contact with me," you're the new girl right?" I glared at him and didn't respond. "thought so," he chuckled and began walking around. "who are you," it was less of a question and more of a demand. he turned back to me, and smiled. he seemed to be having fun and had a dark look in his eyes. he picked up the odd paddles I had seen earlier and walked over to me, shutting and locking the door. he waved the paddles in my face and said," do you know what these are? they're to wipe the cum from your pussy for when a guy doesn't want to use a condom." I could feel all the colour drain from my face as I cowerd in fear of what he was going to do to me. he looked excited and the smirk on his face wasn't a pleasant one. "I guess I'll be the one to show you how to use it." my heart was beating in my ears and there was a knock on the door. he seemed upset but he didn't let it show, setting the paddles down he put a finger over his mouth and winked, telling me to be quiet. he unlocked and opened the door to see the boss tapping her foot and a look of disappointment. " she hasn't done her briefing yet." was all she said before pulling him out of my room and shutting the door. I immediately locked it and ran to the bathroom where I dry heeved. I changed into something nicer and realized there was a room for a washer and dryer but no washer and dryer. so I took a basket and put my clothes in it. I put on a light summer dress and headed to the garden where I waited for the boss to come and chat. I was there for a few hours, sitting and waiting before she arrived. I was still dazzed and wasn't sure what was physically happening but I was standing and greeting her, she took my arm and we walked. "I assume you already know out business here?" she looked ahead and I nodded. the words couldn't get passed the tightness in my throat. "do you consider yourself to be shy?" she looked down, stopping the walk briefly,I blushed and looked away. she chuckled," good, you'll be a great new addition." she asked me more questions about my personality and things I was into sexually. the more I talked, the more she seemed happy with me. she also explained the how things worked here. I will be given to someone to help break me down into the business and then I will be given to customers to use as they please, with the right pay of course. I tried to hold back all my tears as she went in but they kept welling up and falling. by the time night fell, I was in the garden alone and could hear the goings on of the the other girls. since I was starting tomorrow, I walking over to the other side of the hotel and watched the ocean, I spotted a light house and just wished I could hide there. I heard some laughter from a child and looked to where it was coming from. it was the bosses son playing by himself in the dark. I jumped up and moved him away from the cliff telling him that it's dangerous over here and that he shouldn't be out without an adult. he seemed upset so I offered to play with him. he eventually got tired and I picked him up and brought him to a guard and them the situation, the guard took the boy and left. I looked back up to the hotel, trying to accept my new life. I saw movement in one of the windows and squinted to see, it was the pilot looking down at me with smirk. my blood ran cold and I ran all the way back to my room. I took some pills and managed to sleep that night. when I woke, I felt that someone was in my apartment. I wrapped a blanket around myself, not because I was cold but because all the clothes they provided were raunchy and exposing. I saw the pilot in the kitchen making himself a cocktail. my heart dropped and my eyes widened. he looked up and smiled," ready for your big day?" I then heard a belt snap behind me and turned to see the copilot behind with a sadistic look. my throat tightened and the copilot ripped the blanket off and grabbed my wrist pulling me over to a chair where I was pulled in to his lap and my short, thin night dress was pulled above my bottom. the pilot took a drink," this is punishment for your behavior yesterday," I could briefly see him touch the imprint of his hardend cock through his pants as he looked at me. my face burned bright and I struggled to get out of the copilots hold," 30 lashes. and count them." I was taken off guard by the first one, I was dazzed by the pain and forgot to count the lash. I was pulled up by my hair to see the angry face of the pilot who slapped me, leaving a mark on my cheek," count, whore." I mumbled a "one" and the copilot continued up to 30 where my ass was red and bruising. I was crying harder than I had in a long time and just felt everything's breaking withing me. I was thrown on the bed by the pilot and he took off my clothes. he seemed to be a frenzy and was impatient to fuck me. when he got my clothes off I hard him whisper," it's been a long time since I've had a virgin." I wanted to throw up and hit him and kick him and curse at him and kill him but I couldn't move my limps, all I could do was scream and cry and beg for him to stop. when he finished,he was pleased. pulling his trousers backup and restoring himself to his normal put together self. I could only focus on the burning pain from him forcing himself in me. he then grabbed his jacket and left with the copilot. leaving me on my bed with cum dribbling out of my mouth and pussy.