dated someone from my class// someone got skinned in school (TW: descriptions of gruesome injuries)

Date: 11/27/2019

By anitron

This dream starts out with me in the room of a guy from my class. In real life the class he is from lasts a long time and I’m very used to seeing his face, although we don’t talk. It was odd because we were just talking about random stuff in his room while I rested my head on his shoulder and it all felt so real that it’s weird to think about now that I’m awake. It actually felt like I was in love with him. After talking for a while I realized I had to go back to school, as it was senior skip day, but my mom didn’t know I was skipping and I wanted to go back to school for some reason so she wouldn’t find out. I kissed the guy goodbye and drove to school, then went into my history class. Once I sat down and class started, everything was going smoothly. This is where the dream gets terrifying. Over the intercoms (or is it called the PA system?? Idk) the principal announced with a shaky voice “I’m sure some of you are aware of the incident in the gymnasium, but I would advise all of you to keep calm and not leave your classes until the matter is handled. An ambulance is on its way and those involved will be taken care of.” As soon as he said this, everyone started to panic. People were trying to figure out what happened and word got out pretty quickly that someone in the gym somehow got skinned, and there was another injury with another person that we couldn’t figure out. After a while of trying to figure out what happened, upbeat music started to play over the intercoms, which we assumed was meant to calm everyone down, but only made us much more nervous. Police and ambulance sirens erupted on top of this annoying music, which made me have a panic attack in the dream. Everyone around me was very scared as well. I started texting the guy and was asking him to pick me up soon, and he said he was on his way. While this was happening, people gathered around someone’s phone. The person holding the phone had a video sent to them from one of their friends in the gym, and everyone prepared themselves to watch it. It was hard for me to watch at first, but my eyes finally looked at what was happening, and I saw the most disturbing thing my brain has ever made up. The people in the gym were still forced to be in there, and teachers and nurses were trying to hide the two people injured with some sort of large barrier. The first person injured was completely skinned, as people were saying, and he looked almost completely dead. The second person, however, made me question how his injuries weren’t the first to spread around the school. His arms were completely and unnaturally extended, and his entire body was blue. He tried to get away from the nurses in the video, but was just doing a jolting, half unconscious motion in his attempts. My dream ended as the video ended, and the guy never picked me up. If anyone is good at interpreting dreams, please tell me what this means as I have not had a dream like this in a long time.