Digital art 4k scene from a movie: A dark and eerie hallway with flickering lights, bugs crawling on the walls, and a mysterious figure contorted in an unnatural position.


Date: 1/12/2018

By Pandakitties

I was in a very long, lit up hallway. The end of the hallway was unseeable and dark. With nowhere to go I started walking, the more I walked the darker it got, lights flickered on and off. Bugs crawled around on the ceiling, in and out of defects on the wall. Bulbs popped above my head, s the hallway became almost pitch black. That’s when I noticed a shape on the ground. I walked up to this shape, which now looked more like a sack, to see that the hallway turned and this sack was just sitting in a corner. When I got close enough to go around the corner, maybe find an exit, the sack came alive. It was a person, it stood up keeping its back to me. Arms spread away from its body, long dark hair suggested maybe a girl. I went to go passed when their head flipped all the way back, back of her head pressed up against her back which was contorted in a backwards bend, in a way that was inhumanly possible to look at me. It’s too dark to see facial features, but not to dark to see the bugs crawling out of her mouth or the blood oozing from a wound on her neck.