sweet smell

Date: 11/2/2016

By Marvin10

The first thing that happened I can't associate with a dream. I heard my phone make the noise it makes when the battery is going dead. I charge it overnight so there Is no way it should make this noise. I checked my phone. It was fully charged. No other phones in the room. Now I am dreaming. I am in a park with some older guy. I think we are selling something like at a market. Now some younger guy comes up to me and we start talking. He seems really friendly. Then he asks "have you heard of...." I can't remember what he said but it felt like some kind of religious cult. Before I could answer, another older guy comes up and takes me away from the younger guy, letting me know I don't want to have anything to do with him. Next dream I am like trying to sleep in a big open concrete drain thing. There is at least one other person there. It is day. There is a drain pit next to me. I can clearly remember smelling this really sweet smell that came from the drain pit. It only lasted about two seconds, but I remember it was so vivid. Someone came up to me and explained how the sweet smell came up from the drain pit. That's about all I remember.