Student Union Bullies

Date: 8/3/2020

By Machman

I was in a massive hall and was looking into the cloakroom reception area. Two big young guys were throwing their weight about with two smaller guys. I didn't fancy intervening but I didn't want to do nothing. So I walked over and saw one guy climbing on top of one the smaller guys. "Get off him ya fat prick" I said. He stands up and challenges me but doesn't come any further forward. There is a bit of toing and froing but nothing happens. They tell me if I have a problem I should call security. So that's exactly what I set off to do. The security office is at the other end of the building. There is black and yellow tape on the ground to show the way. I eventually reach the security desk. It is manned by one young girl. She isn't going to be much use in this situation I tought to myself as we walked together back towards the action.