Ready or not

Date: 11/28/2018

By Sunfeather21w

So this is a dream I've had twice but both had a different outcome. Before I begin, I'd like to say that I had these dreams right before starting my freshman year of highschool, but I've been thinking about them alot lately and am still trying to figure out the meaning. Anyway, here are the dreams: First Dream: I was walking around a highschool. It wasn't the first day or anything but it was like a "trial day" where everyone finds their classes and meets everybody. I walk into my math class, which was Algebra 2 (not actually that smart irl, I'm taking geometry) and I don't remember exactly what happened, but people were making fun of me. While everyone is laughing at me, the teacher walks up and gives me a slip saying that I could go to an Algebra 3 class instead (I know that doesn't exist but the idea is that I'm going to a higher math class). Everyone stops laughing and I smugly walk out of class. When I reach the Algebra 3 classroom, I talk to the teacher and decide that that math class wasn't for me. That's when I wake up. Second Dream: The second dream started off much like the first, I had entered the class and everyone was making fun of me for some reason and then the teacher handed me the slip. This time, I took the slip and started walking to the classroom with the mindset that I was going to take that math no matter how hard it was because I wanted to be better or something. Now, I am a half-lucid dreamer, meaning I can be aware I'm in a dream and be aware if it's a dream I've had before but I can't change anything, I can't force anything to happen. So I'm walking around trying to find the classroom, and since I've had the dream before I know exactly what class I'm looking for, but for some reason, I can't find it. I'm walking around the school, seemingly in circles. I start running, glancing at the clock seeing class is almost over, but I never manage to find the class. And eventually I collapse in a corner next to a plant, tired from running, and the bell rings. I see my friends and they ask me what I'm doing and I tell them I was trying to find my class. Then I wake up. So yeah, pretty significant. I have an idea as to what it could mean, but I still need help trying to piece things together. I would welcome any comments y'all have about what it could mean.