Date: 7/7/2021
By AraceliM
I was with my dad and my brother idk which brother maybe the middle brother but we were at a scenic location full of tall trees. It almost looked like a forest, everything was sooo green. Well we got on top af a tree I dont know if there was built in steps or if we climbed but when we got on top there was like a swerved hand made ladder made out of wood and it led to a huge water slide. I was scared and I hesitated. Then my dad said come on I know you can do it! I then went on it briefly looking down and seeing how high we were. We went down the slide and at the end there were people on a tra.poline or something they were jumping on. They looked at us though they didnt know the slide was there. Every one was shocked and I throw up the rock n roll sign with my hand and a little boy or girl did it back to me.