volcanic ash

Date: 12/18/2017

By infinit

in my dream, I had decided to go back to highschool even though I have already graduated. as I walked through the Halls of Shiloh high school I noticed what has changed since I went there last. there was a lot more hallway traffic than I remember and instead of only serving food in the kitchen I noticed that there were food carts along the main hallway. I saw workers packing up their food carts and I realized it was time to head to class. I pushed through along with the other students when I noticed a friend from when I originally went to highschool here... her name was Cierria and now she was the principle of Shiloh school. I stopped to say hi to her and she just stared back at me and didn't say a thing. after trying to get her to say something for a few minutes, I decided to push on to class. the classroom I went into was full, there was one other student making his way to the only 2 available seats left. I did a double take when I realized who it was, Justin M (1), Justin didn't go to Shiloh back in the day, why was he here now? I sat next to him and tried to start up casual conversation and it took awhile for him to actually notice me. The day passed on and classes were finally over, I went out front to the circle drive to enjoy the last part of my old school routine , the bus ride home. as I got on the bus I found a seat in the back and stared out the window as I started to daydream as I did back in the day. the bus started moving, shattering my imagination as I realized... I drove to school. I made my way to the front of the bus as the driver left the parking lot, I asked her to stop and explained the situation. she calmly stopped and said "well that is actually perfect because Timmy (2) needs a ride home, can you do that for me?" I agreed and Timmy and I shuffled off the bus and walked around the corner to the parking lot. --fast forward an unknown amount of days-- I have left the country fields of illinois to visit friends that span around the globe. the plan is to visit Nick first, then to visit Vlad in Russia afterwards, then on my trip back to the USA I would visit Anthony. After arriving in the UK, I met up with Nick and Eva, Nick and I decided to go on a walk to catch up on what has been happening and also so he could show me all the views he grew up around. we walked along a wooden path, talking about how great the group on Twitter has been as it's let us all stay in touch. We got to talking about an idea I had previously had, to exchange currency with everyone. The plan was to give Nick and Vlad each a set of all USD coins and bills and in return they give me currency from their countries. I would of course PayPal the difference due to larger bills and different currency conversions. I told him I would pay for shipping too. then it struck me, I'm in the UK, why would it need to be shipped. as we progressed I looked at the horizon and saw a beautiful mountain in the distance, I noticed something odd though... smoke. I made a joke about it being a volcano, then shortly after regretted it as I saw red starting to flow down. Nick looked shocked as he realized what was happening, I looked back to see the top of the mountain explode with fiery Ash and lava raining down around it. the Earth was shaking as we started running along the path. I saw lava start to puddle up in areas around us as Nick and I desperately searched for safety. "try to get a lookout overhead" he shouted as he pointed to a tree ahead, I climbed up and glanced off into the distance to find a safe path. I climbed down and told Nick what I had seen, but then as we we're talking lava flowed over the path catching it and the forest on fire. we ran and I tripped , I looked back as I saw a feral wolves injured trying to cross the path, it looked over at me and howled as the rest of its uninjured path hopped into the burning path to catch us. --- this is where I woke up--