Stole my own phone and fought for the human race

Date: 6/18/2019

By gstpsk

I was in the apple strore with my mom and we picking up the repaired phone but they told me it was not repaired the phone was put on a shelf but with no glas around it so u can just take it so i asked my mom if we can take it home she said probbaly not. I started ranting at the apples store that it was unfair you couldn’t take your own phone after and my mom said well then just take it and I did. I took the phone and we started running out of the mall where we were in. At first we weren’t noticing any sign of cops or something but when we walked out of the mall people were from the mall were blocking us and asking things like can i hang your jacket. I think we kept running. We walked towards this field of grassand there were people with trumpets on them but they werent trumpets. They were guns modified to have a trumpet as barrel. They qere shooting waiting for there turn and at the end as grand finale they were shooting all at the same time, I thinkmy mom left at this point. The trumpet guys left and some kind of rally started. There were screaming that we were from the “Godji” race or something. It was really confusing but i joined them. I started fighting someone and we rolling over the ground of the grass field. He said something that made me pause. I asked him how what why and hestarted explaining the godji rwce and the normal race. There was some werid avatar shif i think i cant really recall what he exactly said. I stood up and realized i rolled through shit on that grass because i smelt it. I couldnt find it on my clothes though. The guy had half long curly hair and weird eyes