Homework about island that doesn’t exist in reality.

Date: 6/10/2019

By Deafbr

I went to the school, it looks lot like one of my college campus but inside, it was just giant playground with maze. So I got lost, until one of my good friend come to me and give me a right direction to indoor skateboard park. So I did managed to get inside build and it was massive skateboard park. I was walk from upstairs until I arrive “similar to balcony that overlook entire skateboard park.” For some reason that I lost my clothes so I’m 100% naked then I fall into skateboard park. I was struggle to get back to “balcony” but I keep slide back to bottom (I couldn’t get up on the ramp) For some reason, polices break in with all those sirens color blaring around skateboard park, we all run like crazy to avoid polices. Unfortunately since I’m naked so I’m their priority number one, so I managed got on “balcony” again with one of skater’s help. I keep dodge and one of police woman chase me so I went up the stair. There was a young woman front of me but tripped out. I jump over her but police stop by her and arrest her. Then I managed got out of park, my clothes sudden got back on. Everything was normal (nobody panic about polices and they don’t chase me anymore) I found my same good friend again, I ask him about right place that I could get tutor or something. He make me follow him so I did saw a huge room that filled with video game arcade and consoles. (It was unbelievable huge) then we walk through dorm hallways and eventually we finally arrive one of office that looks like tutor place. So I went in there and sit wait for one of my teacher. One of my teacher finally arrive and he give me assignment on list of islands. One of those island wasn’t exist at all. Basically, my teacher was either challenge us or prank us. I did got all information but torture on myself to find last information but couldn’t find anywhere. Then my teacher come and give me small hint then left. It force me to continue search based on hint, it was from fantasy island or something. It was called Zion ..., I don’t remember full name of that islands as letter keep messing up and move around. I have ZERO excuse to recognize those was damn dream. Then one woman come to me and flirty to me, while doing homework. I woke up.