Old Repeating Dream

Date: 12/10/2018

By probablymichelle

I haven’t had this dream since I was a little girl but I remember it vividly. I used to have this dream every night when I was five. It starts out at my old house in Chisholm. It looked almost exactly the same except my basement door was painted white and it was cracking. I would walk down the stairs and everything in the basement was painted white. I would turn and see this giant shed door and it would slowly open to reveal a bunch of little creatures. They were totally black and about three feet tall? their nose looked like a cylinder with white lines around it. They had big eyes and little bodies and I don’t think they spoke English or any language in fact. They were really friendly even though they creeped me the fuck out and I felt like I could smell them when I was little. Or I could literally feel them or something. I don’t remember what would happen after that though, maybe my dream ended? I think once Sonic the Hedgehog showed up in the middle of it.