Crazy Android & Slight Romantic Encounter?

Date: 10/14/2018

By fluffytree

It was a cloudy day outside and also kind of chilly when I found myself not only back at my old house, but in the upstairs flat where my grandmother and aunt used to stay. It was me, my siblings and a male cleaning android that were up there. The android looked and acted human but we knew that he wasn't. Then all of a sudden it malfunctions and starts wigging out, pacing back and forth while muttering gibberish. We naturally decided to stay away and I began coming up with a plan to get rid of it. All I could think about was destroying it but maybe I would've have to if I could just power it down somehow. Why'd this have to happen to us? I wondered. It was such an annoyance. I guess better it did happen to us instead of to my grandmother on a day when she'd be alone with it. I can't remember exactly what I did, but I don't believe we got it to stop it's rather passive "wild out" and I ended up just being whisked away to another dream. I appeared on the streets of Detroit somewhere in a hood on the east side probably around where I used to live. I recognize this particular place from a few past dreams I've had. There's a garage near me where these guys I met during the last visit stay and work inside. They're not bad dudes, but they do run some slightly shady business ventures. One of them I know of is lending out money and basically being loan sharks who probably charge insane amounts of interest, and the other was a small gambling routine which almost always centered around games of street dice. I walked up to them to briefly say hi as they were just lounging around talking amongst one another. I had a quarter in my hand and found another on the ground. 2 actually but I only picked up one. I proclaimed it when I did and they slightly chuckled. I went on my way afterwards where I eventually ran into Kimya, a girl from my old church and we began walking together. We talked about old times and caught up on what the other was doing. We were walking rather close and her hand kept brushing against mine. It's almost as if she wanted to hold my hand? At that moment we did hold hands for a few seconds but let go when we realized how random it was. There was definitely a spark of chemistry that I hadn't really felt before. Either that or I was just starved for a romantic encounter as I have felt lately irl. Nonetheless it was thrilling to be so close to a beautiful girl who might be interested in me as more than a friend. I can't remember what else happened but I distinctly recall my mind being on one of the quarters I found earlier. Not sure what it's supposed to represent if anything, but I seemed strangely obsessed with it for some odd reason. Shortly thereafter I awoke.