Extreme Uno Tag with Superhuman Powers

Date: 4/29/2020

By ItsABlackCat

This dream started off in a way that seemed so realistic, it could almost be a memory. My mom was telling my brother, my sister, and I how she was going to go meet up with one of her friends, who had a kid a few years younger than my brother, so that she could give her some of my brother’s old clothes and stuff. She also tells my siblings and I that she wanted us to go outside with her, to get fresh air and everything. It was a pretty nice day so we didn’t complain- it had been cold that morning which made me reluctant, I even grabbed a jacket, but once we got outside I immediately tied it around my waist. It was literally a perfect summer day. The grass was super green and lush and the sky was completely clear, baby blue; there was just the slightest breeze which made the weather go from hot to just right. The sunshine actually warmed you up, which was different from earlier in the morning when the sun’s brightness was mockingly devoid of heat in the rigid air. The trees blew in the breeze so little flower petals, the last from spring, blew through the air, which was both aesthetically pleasing AND made the air smell great, a mixture of sweet cherry blossoms and freshly cut grass. My mom walked us to the end of the block, right by the edge of our front yard. She was meeting her friend at the bus stop for some reason. We helped her carry a few large bins of clothes- by which I mean, I carried two giant bins while my brother and sister bickered over carrying two minuscule bins (“I called this one, you carry the other one!” “No, you’re older than me! You should carry the heavier one!”). Actually I’m convinced that’s the main reason she wanted us to go with her, because we would’ve gone outside anyways on such a nice day. By noon my mom was waiting at the block with a few stacks of bins filled with clothes, and my siblings and I were dicking around in our back yard, right next to the bus stop. My sister had found a single Uno card folded under the lid of one of the bins- the blue Uno Reverse Card- and we had started to play a little game with it. It was just a game that you play with siblings for fun, it was competitive but it wasn’t like, hardcore baseball or whatever, we just made it up as we went. Basically, it was reverse tag in a way. The person with the Uno Reverse Card was ‘it,’ except you WANTED to be it in this game. Everyone would chase the person with the Uno Card and try to steal the card from them. Once they stole it then they’d run from everyone else. Literally that’s it. Eventually my mom’s friend arrived, parked her car on the side of the road right next to the bus stop, and loaded the bins into her trunk. Then she got out and stood on the sidewalk with my mom and talked. As they talked we continued playing, although we expanded our game to the entire neighborhood rather than staying in the yard. The only weird thing here was that my siblings and I were doing things that didn’t seem... entirely possible. It’s easier to just continue with the dream than to explain: At one point, I managed to snatch the card from my sister while she was defending herself from my brother. I immediately ran as fast as I can- dashing onto the deck, into the yard again, then towards the fence- and then I hurdle straight over the fence and land on the road, almost completely smoothly (I landed as well as I would if I had just normally jumped while running), and continue across the street. I should add that the fence is about four feet tall, plus some, and that I’m only five three and not very athletic. At all. In the dream I’m running as fast as I can but just for fun, and so are my brother and sister. Since I can usually outmaneuver them I end up ‘winning’ a lot, like after I jumped the fence. I’m laughing and smiling as I run across the road and into the neighbor’s backyard, which is just a little area of rippling green grass, no flowers to accidentally trample and no fences to trip me up. I half expect my mom to yell at me for going into the neighbor’s yard but she seems fine, and I assume that she must be alright with it as long as I don’t like, break anything. I look over my shoulder and see my brother quickly pursuing me. He leaps over the fence the same way as I did, stumbling a bit when he lands on the road, and then runs after me. I try to put on a burst of speed but I’m too late; he tackles me in the neighbor’s yard and we play-fight as I struggle to keep the card away from him, and we grapple over it, using each other’s weaknesses to our advantage. (And by weaknesses I mean, our ticklish spots. There was one unspoken rule between us and that was to never use ‘real’ weak spots in a fight- I didn’t kick his crotch ever, and he never hit my chest too hard). He eventually steals it away and I chase after him, giggling. My sister jumps him as he rounds the corner of the neighbor’s house, presumably to get back to our yard, and I join in on the fight. I overhear my mom talking to her friend, the way moms do. They’re watching us and she says something like, “kids are always so creative- they do this all the time, always making up their own games. I don’t even know what they’re playing at this point- they just make up stuff as they go, all the time.” The two parents laugh and start talking about “when I was a kid” and similar stuff. You know, parent stuff. My siblings and I continue the fight for the Uno Reverse Card. I have no idea how it’s managed to stay in one piece after being used as a tug-of-war item, thrown, stepped on, and worse, but I’ve gotta hand it to the makers for creating such a sturdy card. I eventually get it again and see my siblings coming to me from opposite sides, so I run to the tree and take a giant leap. I land on the topmost branch, knowing that I’m the only one of us that’s light enough to stay there without breaking the branch. My siblings don’t dare try because if they were to break the branch of my mom’s cherry tree she’d totally kill them- and she was right there, watching, so it was a definite win on my part. But I couldn’t stay there forever cause it’d ruin the fun, so I take a running leap from the branch and climb to my roof. My siblings leap up towards me, climbing the siding of my house to reach the lower roof areas and then leaping up to me. We play a little catch game around the chimney and slopes of the roof before my sister manages to surprise me and steal the card. She jumps down from the roof into the front yard and runs across the street and towards the same neighbor’s yard we’d been in earlier. My brother and I follow, still laughing. My mom continues to watch, unconcerned. It continues like this for a while. Everyone acts like it’s completely normal that we’re leaping off of roofs and stuff. And it’s not that everyone in this dream can do that; only my siblings, because at one point my mom demands that we come down since “she can’t see us up there” and “wouldn’t be able to get us down without calling the firemen again, if we got our foot stuck in the broken bricks of the chimney” and stuff.