The House Goes Upside Down

Date: 1/6/2024

By WhoPotterVianOffTwitter

I was in my home when the house suddenly went upside down, and everything started falling from the floor. This guy appeared who was trying to help, and told us all to stay put, because the slightest movement could tip the house over. He got annoyed as my Mum and brother left to see what was going on. I decided to leave the house myself to tell them that the man who said he was helping us was annoyed that they had gone outside. As I left the house, I saw that it was tipping perilously on an axis. I was confused as to how this had happened. I spotted my Mum and brother, and told them what the man had said. I could see the man glancing at me in the distance, infuriated that I had also ignored his instructions. We quickly returned inside and waited for him to fix it.