Myles’ apartment

Date: 12/10/2017

By Bonny

I dreamt that I went to Myles’ apartment to get something - I’m pretty sure I was stealing something but I can’t remember what. The apartment building was kind of old. It had old brown carpet and felt a little bit Shining-esque, except for the horror. I went up to his apartment and opened the door. I only saw the hallway, but the hallway was like me apartment, even though it was Myles’. There was an alarm and I realised he had given me the password and I had put it on my phone. I was going through my phone and realised I had taken notes of the dates we had been on, like I would a lecture. The alarm was not going off, but a button was flashing, and I had to press it every few seconds to stop the alarm going off. I was pressing it frantically as I scrolled through trying to find the password. I was about to enter it when I could hear noise coming from the door directly in front of me. I realised the alarm had been off the whole time. I freaked out because I had wasted all this time and not got what I had come for. I decided to leave. For some reason I had taken my shoes and jacket off. I picked them up, left the apartment, and sat on a chair outside the apartment to put on my shoes. A group of people walked past and I was acted because I thought they would catch me. I managed to get away somehow and walked out of the building.