Three nightmares

Date: 1/7/2020

By pretzeling

Number one - I had to get two vaccine shots that the doctor said might give me some minor body aches and dizziness. I then laid down for a nap in my bed. I “woke up” and felt that my neck was massively swollen, with maybe an extra inch of flesh. In horror, I felt the rest of my face and it was also massively swollen and lumpy, with baseball sized mounds of flesh. My throat had constricted so my breathing was just a wheeze. I stumbled delirious upstairs to call for my mom to take me to the ER. Number two - I was with my family and permanently delirious and confused. I couldn’t speak or understand much. My friend texted me a video game they had made, where the main character is a girl sucked out of a magical world who has to date a rich middle aged man. I was really impressed by their work on the game but the texts I was sending back were mostly nonsense and I was misspelling words a lot. My family and I were having dinner and I kept falling asleep at the table. I was also wandering around stumbling and lost a lot. At one point my friend took me aside and started talking to me about something. They were explaining how they lived in the Bay Area and there was a new, faster form of internet called “A-net.” Only special computers could access the “A-net,” as well as “female remotes.” I was looking at diagrams. Dream three - I was wandering around a Sonic the Hedgehog themed hotel with my sister and constantly putting down my belongings and forgetting to pick them back up. I wasn’t wearing glasses and couldn’t see. I kept having awkward interactions with people — I had bought a furry white vest and there was two older ladies with a little girl who had a similar item. I tried to take their vest out of their hands because I thought it was my vest I had left behind and they got mad. Me and my sister also barged into an occupied hotel room and scared the people in there just to see what the layout of the rooms looked like, which I couldn’t see anyway because I didn’t have my glasses.