
Date: 8/23/2019

By DreamDawg

I was at like my schools homecoming game or something, funny because my school doesn’t even have a football team. I arrive in black overalls with pink shorts, which is outside the dress code. I say hello to various people like Miranda and Ash and also Hilmy and Ava. Ash points out something about my outfit and I realize I threw on pink shorts not even realizing I’d have to change them. I knew the nurses’ hut was somewhere out on the field so I flagged her down and told her about my shorts. She seemed really upset about something so she was a bit rude and said “well I don’t know if I’m even going to have anything for you because we just moved most of the uniform closet back to the main part of the school”. I offered to wait till second block to change but the nurse was already dragging me back to her hut. I think she did have pants, I can’t remember, but all my friends I said hi to were also at the uniform closet in solidarity or something. We then realized the nurses daughter went to the school and we didn’t like her so we started taking some of her stuff that she kept in her mom’s (the nurses) office. We took an unopened bag of fancy tea but then got scared because one of them might notice so we went to the girl’s dorm a little ways away and shoved the bag underneath her bed. There was also like a nurses dog that literally just walked about.