The longest and best dream

Date: 12/10/2018

By stev54356

I remember faintly being up on the mountain by myself driving doing something of some sorts but can’t remember why then I went to some persons house it was a girl that worked at Home Depot miles friend and we were there having sex and another girl came and joined and I remember not being able to bust so that’s no fun and I remember being at my grandmothers house(barbies) and sometimes starting there there was a baddie that was trying to harm me but I don’t remember fully and I was there with for sure my sister, Davis and Brandon and the others I can’t quite remember. The landscape around was crazy beautiful I remember telling Brandon how I caught 2 bodies while we were going to this little hill a good bit away from the house and around the house was pretty much flat land. And after I remember we got into a wagon and started going super fast we ended up going over a steep little drop and we crashed and laughed it off a lot we walked forward and we saw like a doorway width surrounded by rocks and huge lake/river was on the other side(there was 2 times where I found water but can’t remember how the other one was lead up too. I could faintly tell that down the river a spot from one of my past dreams was there which blew my mind. Now we were walking back and koalas started to show up and were super friendly and they would get up on the trees and they could jump super far and I remember seeing them and running with them and it was a very cool experience. Back on the hill I was talking to my sister and some guy he was talking about mars and how cool it would to go there and somehow in my head I established that I’ve been there memories and all and he was blown away. Then bad guy alert baddie had someone locked up and I think I changed into a female for only this part cause I had a brother and I was tiny to begin. We were crawling through the vents and xenomorph/raptors type figures were stalking us and my brother went up for a different root and you could hear him struggling and shooting while I was crawling and dodging attacks that were coming from outside the vent getting out and to room I saw a experiment room with that same creature and the dude who was doing the testing got killed and the thing came for me. I had guns and good aim so I got him. After that I’m pretty sure I woke up sadly :/