alana, part of the source society

Date: 7/27/2018

By SwaggyBoy9

I was walking to this secret place I knew where I could have sex with some girl that was with me, we were in public so that was the most private place we could find I found the place and it was slightly different, but we both went inside anyways.. I dont remember how it all shifted but this was some secret pathway to a secret society, and my old English teacher alana was a part of it? this society wasn't supposedly on earth, or 'anywhere' for that matter. it was a room that just existed in no time and place, I can't even explain it but I was in it, it was a room with books, and computers, and a lot of other stuff something about the room was comforting, and the place was full of people and kids, they were all in the form of humans but I dont think all of them were humans, or still alive it was like I was in the source (spiritual subject, if u know you'll know) I was asking questions about life, and other things. the people there led me to this book.. this book supposedly contained the secrets of everything in existence and basically priceless knowledge I found it, and I asked if I could take photos of the book pages as I could not leave with the book, because neither the book or this place actually 'existed' in reality they said it's okay, but they recommend not doing it I opened the book and couldn't really take photos.. at all, it was one of those dream things where it's just physically impossible for some reason so I read the book, it wasn't professionally written or anything, it was handwritten by someone in the beginning of the book, it had information here and there. as I flipped the pages, it reduced down to a few words per page, or a short sentence sorry to disappoint but I can't remember shit on what the book said, I remember like one thing which said something about "controlling your urges, control your penis" which I guess has to do with mental willpower or something I also remember talking to miss cooper about some stuff, I was quite surprised that she was part of this society