Digital art, A person lays lifeless on the sand while a crow pecks at their blue-tinged body after a shark cage diving adventure goes wrong.

Shark cage diving

Date: 4/19/2023

By dizzzy

Steph wanted to take me cage diving. We were underwater when a huge shark showed up and started trying to bite the cage. I guess I stopped breathing somehow and drowned, so he pulled me up and laid me in the sand. It was dark outside, like the sun had just set but not entirely. When I looked down at my body, I was tinged blue. There was a very matted/unkempt crow perched on my leg. It kept picking at me with it’s beak.

AI generated interpretation Based on your dream, one possible interpretation could be that you may feel like you are in a situation where you are taking risks or facing fear in some aspect of your life. The shark could represent a looming threat or danger that you may feel trapped or enclosed in. The fact that you stopped breathing and drowned in the dream may indicate a sense of being overwhelmed or out of control in the situation. The blue tinge to your body may symbolize a lack of vitality or feeling "lifeless". The crow picking at you with its beak may represent negative or critical thoughts or influences that are affecting you in your waking life. This could suggest that there may be outside forces that are causing you stress or anxiety, and you may need to take measures to protect yourself from these sources. Overall, this dream may be advising you to be cautious and mindful of potential dangers, while also being aware of your own limits and preserving your own well-being.