Two Lucid Dreams

Date: 12/1/2017

By TheNagual

The dream began and I️ was walking inside a familiar white household, I️ come to a wall with a bench and slowly realize I️ am dreaming. I️ perform a reality check and confirm this and focus my intention and willpower. I️ am steadily lucid now and I️ began to feel the expected fear cropping up, something I️ must confront. I️ began to walk outside and see myself in the mirror, I️ was bright and strong. I️ told myself that I️ have awareness on my side. Outside I️ see a shadowy figure with a black wolf. I️ then see a women I️ know, she says something and I️ ask her why. She says, “it’s time to clean up this whole mess.” With a smile on her face. I️ am pleased and I️ laugh from this good omen. The shadow and wolf approach me and I️ pick a large heavy chair ready to attack. I️ miss the wolf and I️ am sure I️ will be attacked now, but the wolf never attacked me. I️ recognize this and I️ play with the wolf like how I️ would with a dog. There is a dark forest nearby, surely my new wolf friend would help guide me through it. I️ become lucid in an old classroom memory and do a reality check. I️ try to tell people this is a dream. I️ go up to board and tell everyone that I️ am going to break a pencil with my mind. I️ move the teacher aside and I️ focus on the pencil, I️ bend it back and forth and it snaps violently. I️ look up, no one is paying attention but a few and those few were stunned and amazed. I️ walk outside and down stairways next to large mirror. I️ see myself, I️ am a bit smaller than usual and my eyes turn black. Then, I️ see myself as my sister and then revert back again. I️ went straight up to the mirror and looked right into my right eye, the blue in my eye was shifting around like a magic river. I️ go outside and I️ see a women holding a sign with my name, I️ pass by her because I️ was infatuated with another women. I️ walk along and think about my tasks, but I️ lose Lucidity. Me Ken and James are inside a house and think about jet planes. Apparently we were supposed to build jet planes. Ken finds and shows us a box of golden playback disks that contain the instructions on how to build a jet. They disks said Yu-Gi-Oh on them.