Never disrespected you

Date: 10/20/2020

By lazylucid

I'm walking into the beef patties place around the corner. There's an employee entrance. It's not really there in waking life. The are beef patties with bacon that look really good, some of them have just been cooked, you can see the steam coming off of them. There are men and women walking around here with hair nets and white coats. I walk around to this front room to punch out of work. (Not that I'm working or at work. Must be day residue) the time clock is in this office space that looks like a doctor's office waiting room. There's an orange yellow glow coming from behind this glass where a receptionist should sit. I key in some code on the time clock but it doesn't work, it doesn't print what I need it to. I press something else to make it print manually and it does. It prints out some white paper with black writing on it. Some huge lumberjack looking white guy walks up behind me waiting to use it. It prints out a receipt and I'm a little confused by the receipt but I don't question it. I take it and leave. I walk down some steps and there's this homeless guy up the block that I usually see on the train in waking life. He just mumbles words and things like that, never coherent sentences. He keeps calling me Superman. I wave him off and keep walking, or at least I try to. He follows me still repeating Superman. I think he just have become belligerent or something because we start to get into a fight. He kept following me. I hit him a couple times but nothing seems to phase him. We're in front of Michelle's house now. I walk up the stairs and try to close the door and he puts his hand through it. I keep trying to close it but he just keeps squeezing through. He bends the door like it's thin aluminum. He really just folds the door in half basically. And this is when we really start fighting. I hit him a couple times and knock him back. I think I kicked him down some short stairs. I cross the street to try to go into my old house (27 Marconi) and he follows me. I don't know when he turned into cilla but he did. And now she and I are fighting. I grab a broom stick and break it in two. I hit her a couple of times with it. I feel more empowered with the stick. She's starting to back down now. Michelle comes from somewhere across the street to break up the fight. Cilla is backing down now. But I'm still angry. I put the sticks down and begin to walk away but she sort of follows me and says something so I give her a right hook. I hit her square in the nose and it starts to leak blood. She then says something about how she never disrespected me or something like that.