What is a Hegatogi??

Date: 12/21/2021

By BadHabit

I was walking with my cousin and a few others to the school he teaches in, he has to grab some stuff and go talk to the teacher that we’re in the outside meeting hall near the field. We got there and a woman would let anyone but my teacher cousin go see them so we had to wait as the paved area near the field. I looked around and there was a lot of wasps around that day .. it was a hot summer day so I guess they would be more active ??? My cousin was gone for a so there’s and I where hopping around as my cousin took is sweet ass time getting his summer school plans from the others. I was hoping around when a wasp landed and stung my food, I squeezed and smacked the little bastard off my body but two more landed on my leg. They were crazy today.. I didn’t think we were near any nests but if I’m honest I wasn’t shocked- wasp are evil little creatures and I’m sure the heat didn’t help. I continued to hop around when I felt the most painful sensation on my leg, something big just bit my leg hard and it feel fucking horrible! I smacked and brushed off what ever it was and as I got done panicking this blue and white really thick worm layer there … this thing had a mouth, a incredibly large mouth with long almost anglerfish like teeth. My leg was pulsating with pain as blood poured out of the would and as I looked as this nightmare creature that just caused the wound.. My cousin ended up coming back as the bite just ended and the look of his face and I held this thing while my 2 friends cleaned the would was utter confusion and terror. “ wtf is that ?!” He asked with a slight panic… I didn’t know what to tell him so I just explained what happening and as I was we all noticed there was more of these things in the surface layer of concrete… I pushed on one with a stick and it turned it worm like body up to bite at the stick! I did this a few times with all of the things I saw.. they all reacted the same way when poked or agitated.. We sat of the bench near by and I assume were there for hours googling what ever this thing is. As I was just about to give up looking my friend perks up “ if says it’s a hegatogi”, he said as he showed us a picture of the same worm but the colouring was a different. I looked up the name if YouTube and.. what i would was .. fucking horrifying. “ The Hegatogis are one of the best cases of human devolution there is in the twenty first century! These people at as small group that is growing in numbers around then world as we find them. This small clan will remove all hair, their eyes and teeth before covering themselves in blood of a unknown animal or human then they bury themselves under a thin layer of dirt. The dirt under them acts as a food source form them as they turn into a large half worm half human creature with long fang like teeth replacing their human teeth and eye socket complete closed and smoothed.. they no longer have legs nor use of most of their organs. These large humanoids will some how make smaller more worm like version of them selves from reproduction but these lose all human traits. They are more worm like and their human flesh tons are whited and scraped off but they keep their large teeth and mouth. Both the adults and infants of the Hegatogi will wait under the ground surface for large amount of vibrations or for the smaller ones they also can be stepped on slightly, both of these will immediately latch onto its victim and bite away at their flesh until they either kill their prey or get killed themselves. The larger humanoids have much more success when it comes to hunting prey since they keep their once human arms are longer and bonier so they grab their prey and their jaws unhinge to bite larger prey as well.” The YouTube video said as it shows all the graphics changed of this thing.. it also said they where are is smaller ones the bigger humans are under.. we locked at each other and decide to pick up the large concrete slap where the little ones seems to be .. there was a large one wiggling and screaming at the feeling of heat and sunlight. It was grabbing around and trying to find what ever found it… we put it back and left.. I woke up shortly after and hope to fuck these things aren’t actually real but I swear I’ve heard of these before somewhere.