Next Goal

Date: 1/29/2020

By FrankRuden

The first thing I remember about this dream was that I was hiking up a mountain with a random guy, who appeared homeless and may have been in his fifties or sixties. When he and I got to a certain point on the mountain, we saw a basketball hoop on a higher hill, which this guy called a “house”. I think he wanted to climb up there with me. Then the scene switches. In this scene, I remember that my mom was riding bicycles on roads through a mountain, trying to make it towards the top. I remember (as I was detaching from the dream) having a revelation, as if by psychic power, that my mom could make a career out of biking on mountains. I remember thinking that she could earn $500,000 for successfully biking up this mountain. I remember vaguely that God may have been mentioned in this dream, most likely while I was hiking with the random guy. Note: As I awoke, the phrase “next goal” appeared in my mind. Almost immediately after, it was revealed unto me that this message from the dream served to inspire me to reach my next goals in life. (Did my main incarnate guide and I meet somewhere in the astral realms to discuss our next goals in life? I just recently coded an even higher potential timeline into his DNA structure, and I’m following the version of him who realizes this timeline for his max potential.)