Date: 1/27/2019
By AJacobs
So after my horrible dream that came previously, I had a series of dreams. One had to do with. Being the back room of some house and I think watching some marine life ocean program on television. I was sitting on a couch in front of the TV. My mom was there and another guy, apparently in the Marine Reserves who perked up at One of the programs. I think it sort of morphed into an outdoor set of pools where he sort of would go into the pool with dangerous sharks and then escape. I was kind of confused at first because he was like in the water on top of sort of a hammerhead shark and some other large fish. They were all really calm and in the center of the pool. He just lay there, floating on his back with all these dangerous fish. He may have been narrating as like a TV host too. Immediately he started moving and so did the four or so fish. I wasn't sure exactly what was happening, he was dodging them I guess. He makes it over a net in the water and then gets out of the pool. I realize that he was doing an dangerous escape the pool test... of sorts. Then he starts talking about the shark in the next pool. I see glimpses of it superimposed like on TV in front of me. It looks kind of like a great white shark. But more ancient looking perhaps... Then I see it swimming toward us. I start moving out of the way a second before he does as the shark jumps out of the water towards us. When I look back it has (somehow) turned around and is facing us. Flapping and inching back towards the pool. I think, 'I gotta get out of this place.' I think this section of the dream ended here. Although it's not totally disconnected from the rest.