2 possible dreams: Lost in the Queen's Palace (long dream)

Date: 5/2/2022

By itsliz

Maybe this is where the dream started or maybe this is the one I had before my friend's cat woke me up. I think my mom and I just went through and finished a plant museum and we're wandering around outside the rest of the "plant zoo" by a large lake, checking out plants I surely couldn't kill and buy to take home. My mom shows me hanging ivy and I point to a pot with the beginnings of hanging ivy and mushrooms since she said it'd suit me best, probably. I wanted them, for an aesthetic. Did I wake up here? Not sure. I think the dream starts here as well with "me" standing in a hallway in the queen's palace. I'm not me, I'm an eleven year old girl who's really skinny, maybe even homeless. I'm not sure how I got in or why, but I start running around trying to hide and find a way out but I'm dreadfully lost. I'm scared and terrified of being caught, and I guess based on the fact I was wearing what SEEMED like a more old timey dress, I thought it was the past. I'm darting between hallways and doorways as people pass by until I find a laundry room. Maybe there's a party going on because the laundry room has some very beautiful dresses there. I think somehow I'll fit in if I wear one and put on a dark blue dress that SOMEHOW fits me perfectly. Not sure where I put it on but I start wandering again but still feel like I stick out like a sore thumb. Eventually I find a cozy little room that seems like a good hiding space. It's a mattress on the floor, or maybe just on a box spring, with a dark blue puffy duvet and large dark blue pillow and lights decorating the wall. I must think I'm small enough to hide under the covers and make it seem only like the duvet is straight instead of dipping down to mark the end of the mattress. I hide under the covers but on the floor right up against the mattress with my top half buried under the pillow. I manage to see some lightbulbs making the lights streak along the walls and realize maybe this ISN'T the past! I don't know why I thought this worked. Somehow my cat Charlie shows up, sneaking under the pillow with me so snuggle and it makes me panic more. Maybe Queen Elizabeth passes by or something, but I hear footsteps. I swear someone stops and looks in but decides to keep going after a few VERY long moments. But when they leave, two corgis jump up onto the bed and start snuffling at me and Charlie. I manage to keep them quiet by petting them and they jump down and run off. After an hour of resting from running around trying to get my bearings, I finally get up and Charlie suddenly disappears. I stand and see what looks like a uniform on the floor. Maybe someone left it for me... I pick it up and have to dart around and hide again until I find a bathroom to change. I wander again, feeling more like I fit in now. I get dragged into a room—feels like a servent's room. People are there eating from the same cake. One woman looks surprised and says hello as I put on a second pair of glasses and she introduced the woman in front of her as "Elizabeth 6." They ask me if I want cake, "from Antarctica or the Indies", meaning which part of the cake did I want to scoop up from the sphere. I said no thanks, feeling it was a test. I think it's the queen, which makes no sense since there weren't 5 Queen Elizabeth's, but maybe it was a joke. She's earing a fancy robe and has graying brown hair. I curtsey the best I know how and she tells me to put some plates in the kitchen and then I see little underground pathways in the walls and what looks like formed to go under stairwells and rooms. It makes sense to me how things get done so quickly and I try to fit into one of these small and dark tunnels. It's too dark so I go back and get a flashlight I apparently had this whole time. I'm not sure I fit. And I realize it's going to be obvious I'm an imposter when I don't know where I'm going as I watch a girl and debate following her. It feels stupid to follow her so I dart out of the room to go hide again. Then I wake up.