Virtual Reality Prison

Date: 10/10/2017

By Y0Universe

There was a high school basketball event where the whole school was watching two teams of guys from our school play. I wanted to play but didn't think I was good enough. Sam Willsone wanted to play also but the guys wouldn't let him. So he turned himself into Brad Flesher and they allowed "Brad" to play. I was standing on the edge of the court, while everyone was warming up, and someone missed and the rebound rolled to me. So I shot and made it and then thought eh, why not play. Rebounds kept coming to me and I missed most of them because my arms and legs started acting all weird. One shot I shot from my knees. Then I was near a rebound and started moonwalking towards it. Then suddenly I got checked from behind and fell forward on my chest. Garret Beltman had checked me. I stood up, shocked, and told him I was going to fuck him up. He said he was sorry and was just joking and I told him that wasn't a joke, and he was going to have to pay. He ran away and I ran after him. Suddenly, we were at his house. He put a helmet on me that was like a virtual reality generator. Then he put a second one on me. Now I was in these other virtual realities and couldn't harm him. Even if I removed the first helmet I would think the new reality was the real one.